As far as I know, we are a large number of people who are not satisfied with the mark which has been given to our exam. If you feel like to complain in order to see your exam... you have a whole month after you recieve the answer to the first complaint. After this action, I don't have any idea what should be done... but I still want to see my exam. I know that the rules make this process unclear and even if we can see our exam... there won't be a perfect exam to have a reference... there will be once more time a biased opinion of a group of teacher who maybe can know more than us, but only maybe... what a pitty!! // Hasta donde yo conozco, somos bastante personas quienes no estamos satisfechos con la nota que ha sido dada en nuestro examen. Si quieres quejarte para ver tu examen... tienes un mes entero desde que recibas la respuesta a la primera reclamación. Después de esta acción, no tengo ni idea que se debería de hacer, pero aún quiero ver mi examen. Se que las reglas hacen que este proceso sea turbio y que incluso si podemos ver el examen... no habrá un examen perfecto para tener una referencia... seguirá habiendo una vez más un opinión subjetiva de un grupo de maestros que quizás saben más que nosotros, pero sólo quizás... ¡qué lástima!
26th July // 26 de Julio
And finally, here you are the only 25 people who had get a civil servant vacancy. I congrat all of them who get in a fair play way... for other people who took advantage of a classified information... or other cheating ways... I prefer to ignore them. For me this process hasn't been enough clear, but it isn't my single opinion. I wish that next time at least the first time the test will have a multiple option choice which could be checked by PC or something more objective and not biased. Right now, it's too late for those who have been assessted in a wrong way and without feedback. // Finalmente, aquí tenéis las 25 personas que han cogido plaza. Felicito a aquellos quienes la obtuvieron de un modo justo... para otros quieres tomaron ventaja con información privilegiada... u otros modos... Prefieron ignorarlos. Para mi este proceso no ha sido suficientemente claro, y no es mi opinión la única. Desearía que la siguiente vez el examen sea de múltiple opción pudiendo ser evaluado por un ordenador o un modo objetivo y no subjetivo. Ahora mismo, es demasiado tarde para aquellos que han sido evaluados de un modo incorrecto y sin decir el motivo.
24th July // 24 de Julio
Marks of the second test... only for those who were chosen
And more info about the points related with your qualifications and studies...
15th July // 15 de Julio
Although it seems that it is late... here you are a complaint form in which you can ask for a second review... I consider that it seems that it didn't worth for me, and I still don't have the letter, but what I'm seeing around me, is really unpleasant! If there were a group, I might join them in order to claim for my rights, at least to see my exam one more time... // Aunque parece que es tarde... aquí tienes la hoja de reclamación con la que pedir que revisen el examen... Creo que parece que no funcionó para mi, y aún no tengo la carta, pero viendo lo que hay alrededor,... es muy desagradable! Si hubiera un grupo, quizás me uniría para reclamar por mis derechos, por lo menos volver a ver mi examen una vez más...
10th July / 10 de Julio
Here you are... results of hundreds of hours of study... In my case unsuccessful. Why? I still don't know, and I guess I won't know neither... I made a complaintment form, and I'll wait the answer, but without hope... this public examination smell very bad!! // Aquí estan... resultados de ciento de horas de estudio... En mi caso sin éxito. ¿Por qué? Aún no lo sé, y supongo que no lo sabré tampoco... Hice una reclamación y esperaré la respuesta, pero sin esperanza... esta oposición huele muy mal!
If we don't have enought with the failed exam, moreover we have to put up with this... no comment! // Si no tenemos bastante con el examen suspendido, además tenemos que soportar esto... ¡sin comentarios!
Maybe, the "excelence" could be in the assesstment as well, because there is a dark side on this process, biased and difficult to understand. // Quizás, la "excelencia" podría estar en la evaluación también, porque hay un lado oscuro en este proceso, subjetivo y difícil de comprender.
Marks of Physical Education / Notas de E.F.
Marks of every subject / Notas de todas las asignaturas
9th July/ 9 de Julio
No time left... envelopes have been opened, and marks assigned to everyone... what will happen today? If you haven't worked this year, if you pass, it could mean that you might work next year, but without the second test, there is no way in the ordinary list... These are a very anxious moments which as we can see around us, it depends on luck or the bizarre members of tribunal's criteria. I consider this situation in which only can be chosen a determinated number of applicants instead all who passed the exam is shameful. The last two teacher's public competition in which no redorder of the working list was done, everyone did the second part, however, this year that it is really important to have the higher mark the better, they don't allow us to try it... I consider that it is not fair... and I still don't know about my mark, but anyway it definetly my point of view... Good luck for those who haven't been assessted!! // No queda tiempo... los sobres han sido abiertos y las notas asignadas a cada uno... ¿qué sucederá hoy? Sí no has trabajado este año, y apruebas, podría significar que quizás trabajes el próximo curso escolar, pero sin pasar la segunda prueba, no hay opción en la lista de interinos... Estos son unos momentos de gran incertidumbre en los cuales podemos observar alrededor de nosotros que depende de la suerte o de los extraños criterios que tengan los tribunales. Creo que esta situación en la que únicamente pueden ser elegidos un número determinado de aspirantes en vez de todos los que pasaron el examen es vergonzoso. En las últimas dos oposiciones en las cuales no había reordenación de listas, cada uno hizo la segunda parte, sin embargo, este año es muy importante tener cuando más nota mejor, entonces no nos permiten intentarlo... Opino que no es justo... y aún no sé mi nota, pero este es mi punto de vista... ¡Suerte a tod@s! (los que quedan por ser evaluados...)
6th July / 6 de Julio
The results of the public competition started to be given on the 4th, only for those who were examined as a Music Teachers, yesterday, Kindergarden and English were also given... On Tuesday, will be the turn for Primary School, and finally, Physical Education will be known on Wednesday unless you want to be on the public proccess of opening the sealed bids!! That will be on Tuesday, at 9 o'clock where you was assessted. What a hell!! On the one hand, it is better that they have enough time to check properly, but on the other hand... this waiting is a nightmare!!! // Los resultados de la oposición empezaron a ser dados el 4, sólo para quienes se presentaron por Música, ayer, Infantil e Inglés fueron también dadas... El martes, será el turno para Primaria y finalmente, Educación Física será conocido el Miércoles ¡salvo que quieras estar en la apertura del plicas! Esto será el Martes a las 9 a.m. donde fuiste evaluado. ¡Vaya infierno! Por un lado, es mejor que tengan tiempo para evaluar correctamente, pero por otro lado... esta espera ¡es una pesadilla!
4th July / 4 de Julio
This is a really long-term countdown... like waiting a glass being filled with drops...Today, you can see in your personal acces to the or in the general access how many points did you get in your marks, certificates and qualifications. // Esta es una cuenta atrás muy larga... como esperar que un vaso se llene con gotas... Hoy, puedes ver en tu acceso a intranet o en el acceso general cuantos puntos tenías en tus méritos.
Further information in this link / Más información en este enlace:
3rd July/ 3 de Julio
I don't know about you, but I'm really nervous! and I'm looking forward to know how will happen after the 9th of July, because, on this date we will finally know if we are allowed to be examined on the second part of this process... Today, I have read something related. If you want to know your mark in live... wait until this date, the specific place isn't given, but I guess It'll be.
No sé tú, pero ¡yo estoy nervioso! y deseando conocer qué pasará después del 9 de Julio, porque en esta fecha sabremos si se nos permite ser examinados en la segunda parte del proceso.... Hoy he leído algo relacionado. Si quieres saber cuando dirán las notas en directo (acto de apertura de plicas)... espera hasta esta fecha, el lugar específico aún no ha sido dado, pero supongo que lo pondrán.
23rd June
We are on the news! // ¡Estamos en las noticias!
RTV Castilla-La Mancha - Casi 10.000 personas se presentaron ayer a las oposiciones de...
22sd June
The day finally arrived!! A clear and fresh morning of June started with some nice fresh breeze, a large figures of applicants were leading me the way to the crowded meeting point. The clock was in 9 when someone started to call one by one like if we were in the army... every apllicant in order to go inside the classes to take a sit...Bearing in mind, the weather conditions were so nice, a fresh breeze, in contrast the almost 40º C in Ciudad Real at 16 hours (2007 and 2009)...
Topics: 7 (Coordination and Balance) and 9 (ability and skills).
Practic Allegedly: 1: Make a project for a whole year about health and promoting the health physical activities involving all the community in a small city of 2000 inhabitants, with a class of 18 childrens, 10 boys and 8 girls, 2 of them with social exclusion problems. + Also a proposal of what will you do in 1 week class with the 18 children who are in 3rd grade (6th course).
2.- I don't remember, but I'll post later
Where should be go?
Distribución de tribunales en el ies universidad laboral EF 2013 Toledo from Isidoro Interino JCCM Educación
18th June
Assessment Criteria ahead!! For the first test and the second, both on the 22sd!!
Supuesto práctico
Criterios evaluación del Supuesto práctico día 22 junio, Toledo from Isidoro Interino JCCM Educación
18th June
This is for me my fifth contest, but the pressure is huge!! Not only for me, but for everyone, those who have work don't want to lose their job and those like me that didn't work this year, are looking forward to starting... We will see. Allegedly, on the 4th July we will know the marks and on the 5th July we will know the date for the next speaking tests.
If we focus on the first test, be ready te 22sd June at 8:45, because it'll start at 9 o´clock, bring your dossier (P.D.) and of course your identity card. Where?
Ver mapa más grande
6th June
Here is for sure the file in which you'll find where the contest public examination will be and the time. It is also the casting of applicants and tribunals. Don't be late! And bring your annual program!
4th June
The 22sd at 9 o'clock will start the public constest... for Physical Education, the location will be Toledo. By the way, warm up your wrist because we must be writing about 3 and a half hours... First of all the topic and finally the practical situation.
3rd June 2013
And here is the final list of the applicants. About 10.000 people (9640 in the previous list)... Right now, we only need to know when the date will be, but allegedly will be Saturday the 22sd, why? Because I consider, that JCCM prefers that every teacher works until the last day... However, this is only a personal premonition... we will see...
Admitidos para el concurso oposición maestros Castilla la Mancha 2013 from Isidoro Interino JCCM Educación
28th May 2013
We are not late, pay attention on what happened in 2009
We are really close to know the date...
20th MAY 2013
We are really close, about one moth left... Here you are the proportions between vacancies and applications. We are almost 10.000 for 200 vacancies. The average is about 50 people for one vacancy, but in some subjetcs, this proportion doesn't work... Take a look!!
17th MAY 2013
We still don't know about the exam's date... it's really late, and from now on, no more than 50 days left... Today has been published the temporary accepted list, take a look, you'll have only 10 days to claim any objection or mistake.
19th APRIL 2013
Although we are applying for this public examinations and our hopes are rising... I finally get used to be calm and be realistic. I said this, becase of the last given percentage (66% + 33%). This will be worth for the contest, only for the 25 vacancies (in Physical Education). In reality, the new rearrenged system was explained in a post in this same page the 22sd March 2013 in which you can calculate your possibilities:
40%: Working experience (but this time, the limit won't be 5 years, but 12).
40%: Mark in the contest process (As a new information, this mark will be usefull for the next 4 years).
20%. Educational merits
For those who won't pass the exam and have a huge experience and enough merits, they will have a 6 in the new list. And for someone new, will need about a 8 mark in the exam to have a little possibility to work.
Once more, we can see how the clash of political interests matain almost the same situation like some years ago, but at least for those who will learn a lot and have enough luck, the will be a possibility to join to this chaos!! It was politicaly correct to explain in a radio station or even in TV that this year, the process will be more clear and fair than other years, but they used only 203 vacancies for this promotional lie, and the rest will be almost the same... or not... we must wait how things will be happening...
10th APRIL 2013
I thought that we will be the last ones... but here it is. Now is for real. The information that the assessment would be 85% for the mark is false. Finally, it will be a 66% (two tirds) from the whole examination process. As a summary, I will explain what I have understood:
1.- First test:
a) Write one topic from 2 possible numbers out 25.
b) Write down a solution based on the theories and laws about one of two given problems.
The first test will worth 40% and the second 60%. Both will be need at least a 2,5 out of 10, and the average within two test must be higher than 5. If you get a lower mark, you'll be excluded from the next test.
2.- Second test:
a) Show what could you do in one whole year (P.D.)
b) Show what you would do in one Didactic Unit (you can choose 1 from 3), but your P.D. has to include 12 at least.
Both tests will be marked from 0 to 10 and the final mark will be the arithmetic from both marks.
In the end, as I said at the beginning of this post, your final mark will be the 66% of this public examination process, because the other 33% would be completed with the work experience, academic degrees, courses,... But if you want this information in a deeper way... Here you are!!
PDF cogido de la página de ANPECLM
27th MARCH 2013
Here we go... the first draft has came today! If you want to take a look...
Source (ANPE)
22sd MARCH 2013
Everyday I'm even more conscious that the poisoned system won't change... It is really disappointed to know that all effort done in other years it is usefull... Right now the trade union (majorities) said that the new marks will be useful for other years, but for me... It could be a very good option to take my 2009's mark.
As we can see in this file, the teacher's waiting list (to work) will be changed. There is still a safe place for those who have been working 12 years, because they will have 4 whole points plus the allegedly 2 points for the Academic Training, that will be 6 out 10 points, a really comfortable mark to continue in a good position in the list.
As I have heard, this information is only related with the re-arrangement of the list, but if we want to aim for the 25's positions... these are the rules:
- 85% for the new mark
- 10 % for the work experience
- 5% only for the Academic training
With this new rules, the politicians got a blur success because nobody can tell them that the access to the vacancies are unfair and impossible but the most important, the re-arrengement of the list go on in a rotten way, because it won't be the best teachers as they told us but the tiny part of them and some other which a long experience. I would like to be clear. I understand that not everybody can learn for an exam every year, but I think It will be better if we could save always our best mark and only change in case we would. That would be for me the most fair way to be re-arrengent in the lists... but sadly, it is only my point of view, probably it won't be your cup of tea or maybe is, who knows... Anyway, I'm cautious and I'm waiting for the law, but this information is signed by Sir Marín... and I consider it a reliable information... We will see!!
And the online newspapers said... WATCH
Later, the 3rd April... we got this...
MARCH 2013
Marín: “Primaremos la nota sobre la experiencia en la bolsa de interinos porque el Gobierno quiere a los mejores docentes”
Although our autonomic adviser said that the mark will be more valuable than the experience... for me is is still not clear how will be the waiting list for those who are in, I mean, I don't know whether we must pass the exam or we only need a 3 mark, there is something blur... and we have to wait until the official law. This month we had a related piece of news that add more stress to our public examination. Will be necessary to learn by hearth general knowledge? Who knows... but in 2011, Madrid was the first city which include this test, and they had the occurrence of show the results... No coment!!
Nothing new happened, but the statements or declaratios from some Public Administrations. In all cases, the number of jobs is about the 10% of the whole amount in 2009. That means that it will be really hard get a job. For me, it will be more important to know about the list after the examinations, will be ordered with the new results? will keep the same mark and place those who were more time working as in 2013? We will know... PACIENCE!!
Although there is nothing for sure... it is said that it will have public examination in July 2013, true or false? Who knows? I will post all files related with this event. I want to be clear. I am not in a trade union, in fact, I think they are one of the reason of my fate... Some requiriments were absolutely unfair, and although I had luck in other years with a very good mark... it didn't worth it... but those were the rules, and maybe the rules will change for me or maybe not and all will be like always... but this is not up to me.
Un diario del timo del año muy ordenadito...un año perdido para mí e imagino que para muchos...nos han tomado el pelo, nosotros currando a destajo para nada, para ser humillados con esas notas tan bajas y sin sentido... Un saludo de otra blogfesora, a la que le han quitado la ilusión con esta forma de evaluarnos en la oposición.
ResponderEliminar y son mis blogs educativos, te invito a visitarlos.
Habrá que mirar otras alternativas,porque queda claro que los señores de la junta no quieren a personal competente, entregado y que adore su profesión...
Un saludo compañero.
Great job!! I surfed on your blogs and they are great! Cheer up and keep calm. We all know that something wrong has been done. I wish they'll correct, but I'm also so realistic and I know that nothing will happen but our massive number of complaintment forms... If we could express ourselves on TV, maybe some politicians would be embarrassed and ashamed, or maybe not... they are prepared with "excellence"... Greeting from someone who had a GAP year (of course, encouraged by the waiting list of "interinos", cutbacks and meassures which will lead the public School to the limits!!. Come on!! Go ahead!!